Open Science Champions

NumFOCUS calls our individual supporters Open Science Champions. There are several ways to champion our mission of making scientific computing more open and accessible. NumFOCUS depends on advocates and volunteers like our Board of Directors and PyData committee members to help us better serve our Sponsored and Affiliated Projects. Our Projects rely on contributors and maintainers in order to develop the open source tools we all use.
Financial support is also vital to the sustainability and growth of our organization. In addition to corporate sponsors, event proceeds, and foundation grants, individual donors provide much-needed resources to our mission of making scientific computing more open and accessible. Donating to a charitable cause is a generous personal choice, and each person has a different capacity to give. NumFOCUS celebrates every donation we receive.
Our goal is to be as transparent as possible about how we use resources donated to NumFOCUS. Below are tiers of annual donation amounts that our supporters contribute to us along with examples of the types of impact that these levels of support help to enable.
Open Foundations
Up to $250 annually | Up to $21 monthly
Our Open Foundations level of support includes the majority of donors to NumFOCUS. These donors form the bedrock of our work toward our open source mission. We believe in keeping the opportunity to support NumFOCUS accessible to all.
At this level, hundreds of smaller donations combine to create baseline impact. Most notably, Open Foundations donors help NumFOCUS provide direct funding to our Projects through our Small Development Grants.
Open Foundations Donors
Seth Aaron Joshua Adelman Simon Adorf Hafiz Ahsan Jacob Albrecht Eric Alonas Tom Augspurger Ricardo Azevedo Remi Baar Pete Bachant Matthew Badger Tom Baldwin Dave Bargeron Ahmed Bayoumy Jure Bericic Bradden Blair Gerard Blais Laura Bogula Jeff Borggaard Stefan Brandl Elias Brohammer Martin Broly Martin Broly Brandon Burroughs Rüdiger Busche Jeffrey Carey Colin Carroll Guilherme Castelao Quentin Caudron David Charboneau Mark Coggeshall Paul Constantine Matthew Craig George Crowther Michael Cunha Ryan Curtin Jon Cusick Peilun Dai Valentin Danchev Michaël Defferrard Vaclav Dekanovsky Louis Desportes John Dethman Charles Dibsdale John Dodson Mark Edgar Stephen Elston Nathan Epstein Meltem Eren Copur Vladimir Fadeev Michael Figurnov John “Terry” Foor Jacob Frelinger Mark Fuller David Gallagher Irene Geary Chelle Gentemann Ajish George Jim Gerlach Francisco Giordano Silva Ben Glanton William Glennon Greg Goddard Kevin Goebbert Kyle Griffin Marcel Haas Alex Haberlie Hadi Hadi Niels Hameleers Sinead Harold Tim Hawes Nima Hejazi Tau Ming Hew BaoGiang HoangVu Mary Holloway Alexandre Huat Ken Hudson David Humeau |
Mijan Huq Gabriele Inghirami Alex Ioannides Adam Jensen Mikhail Johaadien Eshin Jolly Peter Jones Andrea Kalmans Rohit Kamat Ari Kamlani Karl Kappler Philipp Kats Ivan Kazeko Kiran Kedlaya Mathieu Kessler Logan Kilpatrick Jongsu Kim Michael Kirk Andreas Kloeckner Thomas Kluyver David Knoll William Koehrsen Felix Köhler Laura Kopf Joachim Krois Pavlo Kurochka Daniel Lakeland Khoa Lam Bruno Le Hyaric Young Lee Celia Liang Max Linke Quanbo LIU Robert Love Kiatikun Luangkesorn Dan Lussier Minh Mai Gautam Makani Andrey Malakhov Kyle Mandli Pietro Marini Alexandre Martins Barros Frits Mastik J. Mavoori Dr. Matthew McCormick Gregory Medlock German Rafael Mejia Salgado Evgeny Metelkin Emmanuel Michaux Harold Mills William Minarik Aaron Minoo Chris Moradi Yuriy Morayko Chris Musselle Paul Nation Andrea Navarrete Rivera David Nicholson Nicola Nicola Mazzanti Kyle Niemeyer, Ph.D. Alexander Noll Bennett Norman Erfan Noury Qarajalar Stephen Oates Lauren Oldja Peter Olsen Keiichiro Ono Sarah Osterburg Niklas Österlund Kristof Ostir Roberto Panai Nidhin Pattaniyil Marc Pavese John Pellman John Peloquin Raúl Peralta Lozada Biagio Pinto |
Elias Pirayesh Vasily Pisarev Nilufer Polat A. Pottinger Ian Price Jack Prominski Lei Qin David Race Karthik Marudhachalam Ramasamy Simon Reinsperger Dr. David Rench McCauley Gretchen Riehl Gregory Rogers David Ruffner Justin Ryle Dalton Sakthivadivel Sandro Sousa Niko Sarcevic Mike Schmidt Sylvia Schmitt Ilan Schnell Kurt Schwehr Ridgway Scott Mohar Sen Mark Servilla Aashik Shah Shubham Sharma Abhishek Sharma Joseph Sheehan Olga Shkanakina Affan Shoukat David Shupe Chandan Singh Brian Skinn rachel slaybaugh Marek Slipski Todd Small John Smith Joris Snellenburg Jesse Spencer-Smith Karthik Sridhar Ryan Steckel Jeff Sternberg Mikhail Strukov Leopold Talirz Ronen Tamari Takamitsu Tanaka Boon Jin Tek Endrit Theodhori Raghuram Thiagarajan Michael Thomas Sylvia Tran Kevin Tyle Jaunius Urbonas Kevin Ushey Jorick van der Hoeven Pieter Van der Walt Jeroen Van Goey Brian Vancil Peter vanderPost Emmet Wagle Patrick Wagstrom Liang-Bo Wang Andrew Ward Henry Webel Bryan Weber Richard West Matthew Widjaja Francis Wolinski Brian Won Xiaokai Xia Doug Yasso Robert Young Dmytro Yurchenko Jenny Zhang Lisa Yiran Zhu plus 110 anonymous donors |

Open Pathways
$250-$499 annually | $21-41 monthly
Our Open Pathways tier represents further commitment to our work. Donors at this level provide crucial infrastructure support to NumFOCUS. This includes things like maintenance of the NumFOCUS and PyData websites and funding for the communications platforms we use to connect with our stakeholders (like Zoom and Slack). Open Pathways donors also enable us to continue cultivating the PyData community through Eventbrite and Meetup.
Open Pathways Donors
Rajen Athreya Douglas Clarke Crockett Cobb Zaisheng Dai Donald Fischer Han Guo Kyle Hannon Alexander Hasha Tuomo Keskitalo |
Gregory Lee Timothy Man Lisa Martin Dr. Leland McInnes Mike Morgan Dharhas Pothina Jonathan “Skipper” Seabold Michael Seidel |
Leah Silen Jonathan Smith Nick Sofroniew Tobias Tessarek Dimitris Tsipras Robin Wilson Matthew Wittmann plus 11 anonymous donors |
Open Opportunities
$500-$999 annually | $43-$84 monthly
Open Opportunities donors expand our community-building capacity by enabling greater participation in NumFOCUS events and initiatives. For example, a gift at this level fully funds an event Diversity Scholarship. Open Opportunities donors also help to cover costs for project representatives to attend and collaborate at key organizational events like our annual Project Summit.
Open Opportunities Donors
Jacob Albrecht Jed Brown Ahmet Erdemir Ravin Kumar |
David King Jeremiah Lowin Rosie Pongracz Nathan Shammah |
Jason Su Taku Yoshioka Michael Zingale plus 3 anonymous donors |

Open Insights
$1,000-$2,499 annually | $84-$208 monthly
Open Insights donors play a crucial role in enabling us to monitor and evaluate our progress. NumFOCUS works with our Projects, for example, on tracking and outcomes of Small Development Grants to ensure that Projects are achieving results in line with their original proposals. We also gather and evaluate Meetup metrics, Eventbrite data, and survey responses in order to better serve the NumFOCUS ecosystem. This all requires significant resources. Donors at the Open Insights level help provide the necessary infrastructure and staff capacity to keep us accountable to our mission and our stakeholders
Open Insights Donors
Aron Ahmadia Mr. Rex Godby Eric Jankowski |
Travis Oliphant Wes McKinney |
Katrina Riehl plus 4 anonymous donors |
Open Innovations
$2,500-$4,999 | $209-$416 per month
At our Open Innovations tier, donors provide sufficient funding to address higher-level project maintenance costs like essential documentation updates, technical infrastructure upgrades, and paid developer time. Gifts at this level also help to pay for critical professional services to our projects such as legal services and grants management.
Open Innovations Donors
Wes Turner | plus 1 anonymous donor |

Open Frontiers
$5,000+ | $417 per month
Open Frontiers represents our highest level of support. These donors offer NumFOCUS the most substantial opportunities for expanding our organizational capacity.
Open Frontiers Donors
Roy Larson | plus 1 anonymous donor |
Project Sponsors
Project sponsors provide donations that are designated to specific Sponsored Projects. These funds help a project with a variety of development needs, such as documentation updates, backend infrastructure upgrades, website improvements, and developer travel costs. Project-specific donation forms may be accessed through our Sponsored Projects page.
Project Sponsor Donors
Up to $500 Denis Akhiyarov |
$500 – $3,000 Yann Beaud obo Arcanite |
$3,000+ Timothy Bock obo Displayr |

The lists above were last updated in January 2022 and reflect supporters who donated in the calendar year 2021.
We would also like to thank our supporters who sponsor us on GitHub!
Special thanks to our Open Science Champions who requested funds from their employers to match their donations or volunteer hours in 2021!
Dave Bargeron (Microsoft) Colin Carroll (Google) Michael Figurnov (Google) Jacob Frelinger (Google) |
Stefan Hoyer (Google) Drew Lancaster (Pratt & Whitney) Roy Larson (EOG Resources) Sean Law (Charles Schwab) |
Alexander Noll (Google) Jorick van der Hoeven (Gartner) plus 3 anonymous Champions |
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NumFOCUS is a US 501(c)(3) public charity serving a global community. Donations made by individuals, companies, and independent research institutes are generally tax-deductible in the United States.
Please contact us at with questions or if you are interested in providing another type of donation, such as stock, planned giving, an in-kind gift, or a gift from a donor-advised fund (DAF). Project-specific donation forms may be found on our Sponsored Projects page.