Public Apology to Jeremy Howard
We, the NumFOCUS Code of Conduct Enforcement Committee, issue a public apology to Jeremy Howard for our handling of the JupyterCon 2020 reports. We should have done better. We thank you for sharing your experience and we will use it to improve our policies going...
DISC Committee Nominations are open for 2019-2021 positions
Nominations are open to serve on the NumFOCUS DISC committee! The Diversity and Inclusion in Scientific Computing (DISC) Committee helps to guide the direction and activities of the DISC Program. New DISC Committee Members have ample opportunity to bring their own...
Highlights from the 2018 NYC DISC Sprint
This is a guest post by Samuel Brice, DISC Committee Member, originally posted on Medium. Acknowledgements: Thank you to Two Sigma for hosting DISC ! Afshin Darian and Steve Silvester from the JupyterLab core developers team along with Diego Torres who helped...
Ethical Algorithms — Notes from the DISC Unconference
This is the final post in the series on projects developed at the 2017 Diversity and Inclusion in Scientific Computing (DISC) Unconference. Read our prior posts in the series: Diversity and Metrics in Software Communities Diverse & Inclusive Events and...