Two Sigma Renews Corporate Sponsorship of NumFOCUS
Two Sigma, Quantitative Hedge Fund, Renews Support for Open Source Scientific Computing NumFOCUS is proud to announce that Two Sigma, a Gold level Corporate Sponsor, has renewed their financial support for a second year. “Two Sigma is thrilled to continue our...
Google Joins NumFOCUS as Corporate Sponsor
NumFOCUS is pleased to announce Google as our newest Corporate Sponsor at the Bronze level. Google and NumFOCUS Support Accessible and Useful Open Code Google’s stated goal is to “organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Like...
Optiver joins NumFOCUS Corporate Sponsors
Optiver Supports Open Source Scientific Computing through NumFOCUS Corporate Sponsorship NumFOCUS is pleased to announce that Optiver is now a Corporate Sponsor at the Bronze Level. “At Optiver we use NumFOCUS sponsored open source projects every day”...
Bloomberg Supports Jupyter as NumFOCUS Platinum Sponsor
NumFOCUS is very pleased to announce Bloomberg as our newest Platinum Corporate Sponsor. “Bloomberg believes the more we improve open source tools for scientists, the better off we all are” Bloomberg has been an active supporter of NumFOCUS for many years, and...