NumFOCUS is excited to announce the newest additions to our fiscally sponsored projects:
SciPy, a foundational building block for scientific and numerical computing in Python, and
MathJax, a JavaScript library for displaying mathematics in web pages and making it accessible for those using assistive technology.
About SciPy
SciPy provides fundamental numerical algorithms for scientific computing: statistics, numerical optimization, linear algebra, special functions, integration, interpolation, signal and image processing, and more. SciPy is built on NumPy (also a NumFOCUS sponsored project) and is an important foundation for other well-known Python packages like scikit-learn (machine learning), scikit-image (image processing) and statsmodels (statistics)—all NumFOCUS affiliated projects. SciPy has been a NumFOCUS affiliated project since 2013.
SciPy is used in virtually all fields of science and engineering. From major scientific endeavors like the LIGO project detecting gravitational waves and the first ever image of a black hole to individual scientists and teams in fields as diverse as economics, biology, and psychology.
The SciPy leadership body for NumFOCUS consists of Evgeni Burovski, Ralf Gommers, Matt Haberland, Eric Larson, and Ilhan Polat. They represent the full SciPy Steering Council, the members of which are listed at

About MathJax
MathJax is a JavaScript library for typesetting mathematical notation in web pages. It understands TeX/LaTeX, MathML, and AsciiMath notations and can generate typeset mathematics in HTML, SVG, or MathML formats. It can run live in a browser, or can be used on a server to pre-process mathematics.
MathJax supports assistive technology, such as screen readers, and provides interactive exploration and summarization of mathematical expressions, presenting them in smaller, more easily understood chunks.
MathJax is used in a wide variety of web sites that need to present mathematical expressions on line. These range from information sites like MathSciNet, Wikipedia, and StackExchage, to educational platforms like WeBWorK, Moodle, Drupal, and the Math Digital Library, to scientific research tools like Jupyter Notebook and Sage, to blogging and wiki software like WordPress and Blogger, to on-line journals from major publishers such as Elsevier, Springer-Verlag, Wiley, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, The London Mathematical Society, and others, to document preparation systems like Pandoc, Sphinx, and kramdown. MathJax has been integrated into numerous mobile and desktop apps, and into systems such as ebook readers and math editors.
The MathJax leadership body for NumFOCUS consists of Davide Cervone and Volker Sorge.

With the addition of SciPy and MathJax, the NumFOCUS fiscal sponsorship program now encompasses 28 open source scientific computing projects.