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NumFOCUS Projects at SciPy 2017

NumFOCUS Projects at SciPy 2017

SciPy 2017 is a wrap! As you'd expect, we had lots of participation by NumFOCUS sponsored projects. Here's a collection of links to talks given by our projects:   Tutorials Software Carpentry Scientific Python Course Tutorial by Maxim Belkin (Part 1) (Part 2) The...

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FEniCS Conference 2017 in Review

FEniCS Conference 2017 in Review

Jack Hale of FEniCS Project was kind enough to share his summary of the recent 2017 FEniCS conference, for which NumFOCUS provided some travel funds. Read on below! The FEniCS Conference 2017 brought together 82 participants from around the world for a conference on...

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Why Is NumPy Only Now Getting Funded?

Why Is NumPy Only Now Getting Funded?

Recently we announced that NumPy, a foundational package for scientific computing with Python, had received its first-ever grant funding since the start of the project in 2006. Community interest in this announcement was massive, raising our website traffic by over...

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What is it like to chair a PyData conference?

What is it like to chair a PyData conference?

Have you ever wondered what it's like to be in charge of a PyData event? Vincent Warmerdam has collected some thoughts and reflections on his experience chairing this year's PyData Amsterdam conference: This year I was the chair of PyData Amsterdam and I'd like to...

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NumFOCUS projects participate in Docathon 2017

NumFOCUS projects participate in Docathon 2017

Seven NumFOCUS sponsored projects participated in Docathon 2017: IPython, Project Jupyter, Julia, Matplotlib, pandas, SunPy, and yt. The Docathon is like a hackathon but is focused on developing material and tools for documentation. Documentation is one of the most...

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