This was NumFOCUS’ second year participating in Google Summer of Code, a summer mentoring program which allows students to work full-time on open source projects supervised by a senior contributor from the mentoring organization.
Here are highlights of the amazing work our NumFOCUS students did during Google Summer of Code 2016:
- Chris Medrela, under the mentoring of Greg Wilson and Piotr Banaszkiewicz, worked on AMY implementing instructor training workflow that is already in use as we reopened instructor training.
- Prerit Garg, under the mentoring of Piotr Banaszkiewicz and Raniere Silva, worked on a web server that receive and store information provided by the installation script.
- Bhargav Srinivasa, under the mentoring of Lev Konstantinovskiy, worked on Gensim that now supports Dynamic Topic Model.
- Akash Goel, under the mentoring of Henry Senyondo and Ethan White, worked on EcoData Retriever that now is compatible with Datapackage.JSON standard when saving the scripts that retrieved the data requested by the user. Also, now EcoData Retriever works with Python 3.
- Patrick Kofod Mogensen, under the mentoring of Miles Lubin, worked on JuliaOpt that now has a faster implementation of Simulated Annealing solver. Also, now JuliaOpt’s documentation includes tons of examples.
- Ramchandran Muthukumar, under the mentoring of Madeleine Udell, worked on JuliaOpt MathProgBase that provides high-level one-shot functions for linear and mixed-integer programming. Ramchandran’s work focus on the presolving the linear and mixed-integer programming problems, a important step to improve benchmarks.
- Hannah Aizenman, under the mentoring of Michael Droettboom and Thomas Caswell, worked on matplotlib to reduce the code that users need to write when working with categorical data.
We would like to thank everyone involved, especially the students participating in the program, for all their hard work this summer.
Posted by Savannah Mercado