Yellowbrick released Version 1.1 on February 25, 2020.  If you haven’t yet upgraded simply type pip install yellowbrick -U or conda install -c districtdatalabs yellow-brick into your terminal/command prompt to get it.  The major improvement in v1.1 is introducing quick methods or one-liners to generate your favorite ML plots more quickly with Yellowbrick.  Dr. 

Rebecca Bilbro, our co-founder,  gave a talk “Visual Diagnostics for Machine Learning” (featuring Yellowbrick!)in Washington, D.C. on February 25, 2020 (presentation recording link) for an open source/startup incubator based in Washington, D.C. HatchIT.   

Later this month, maintainer Prema Roman and Yellowbrick Board Chair/ Core Contributor Kristen McyIntyre will present on Yellowbrick to a meetup.  Please monitor our Twitter account (@scikit-yb) for details.  

Laura Lorenz, a Yellowbrick user, hosted a virtual Pycon2020 Open Space.  You can read about it here!

This update was accidentally excluded from the April 2020 Newsletter in error. Future Yellowbrick updates will be found there.