

Julia is a fast and user-friendly programming language for high-performance scientific computing.



SciPy NumFOCUS Sponsored Project since 2019 SciPy provides fundamental numerical algorithms for scientific computing: statistics, numerical optimization, linear algebra, special functions, integration, interpolation, signal and image processing, and more. SciPy is a...


IPython is an enhanced interactive Python environment aimed at maximizing productivity in workflows that combine data, computation and exploratory programming. It gave rise to the larger, cross-language Project Jupyter, and it continues to provide the default Python environment for the Jupyter platform.

Project Jupyter

Project Jupyter

Project Jupyter develops tools for interactive computing, research and education with an emphasis in data science workflows. Its flagship application is the widely used Jupyter Notebook, a web application that allows users to craft live narratives combining text, code and multimedia output.



pandas is a data wrangling platform for Python widely adopted in the scientific computing community. pandas provides easy-to-use data ingestion, transformation, and export functions.