
Research, Higher Education, Imaging Instrumentation




Image Visualization, Image Processing, Image Analysis, Image Annotation

napari is a fast, interactive, multi-dimensional image viewer for Python. It’s designed for browsing, annotating, and analyzing large multi-dimensional images. It’s built on top of Qt (for the GUI), vispy (for performant GPU-based rendering), and the scientific Python stack (numpy, scipy). We aim to maximize compatibility with as much of the scientific Python ecosystem as possible.

napari is used to visualize imaging data from modern scientific instruments, such as lattice light sheet microscopes, which image 3D volumes of data over time. napari can also visualize the products of analyzing these images, such as object identities (called segmentations), keypoints, or motion fields. Together with its interactive annotation capabilities and growing plugin ecosystem, napari aims to become a powerful image visualization and analysis platform.

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