NumFOCUS was well represented at the 2018 SciPy Conference in Austin, Texas.
Presentations given by our projects included:
- Keynote: SciPy 1.0 and Beyond: A Story of Code and Community by Ralf Gommers
- Should this Drug be Approved? A Bayesian’s Answer with Stan by Marianne Corvellec & Konstantinos Vamvourellis
- Practical Applications of Astropy by David Shupe
- Open Source Tools for ‘Heterogeneous Agent’ Modeling by Christopher Carroll and Matthew White
- Re-usable, Open Educational Modules for Engineering Undergraduates by Lorena Barba
- scikit learn and Tabular Data Closing the Gap by Joris Van den Bossche
- Scalable Machine Learning with Dask by Tom Augspurger & Olivier Grisel
- SciPy Tools Plenary Session Day 1, Day 2 & Day 3
(so many Jupyter talks!)
- Jupyter Notebook Driven Development with PYNT PYthon iNTeractive by Edward Banner
- Interactive Data Visualization Leveraging Jupyter, Rust and WebAssembly by Madicken Munk
- Interactive 3D Visualization in Jupyter by Maarten Breddels
- Binder 2.0: Next Gen of Reproducible Scientific Environments w/ repo2docker & BinderH by Chris Holdgraf, M Pacer, & Min Ragan-Kelley
- Building a Weather App using NOAA Open Data & Jupyter Notebooks by Filipe Fernandes & Richard Signell
- bqplot Seamless Interactive Visualizations and Dashboards in the Jupyter Notebook by Silvain Corlay
- Bringing ipywidgets Support to by Jon Mease
- Getting Started with JupyterLab (Beginner Level) by Jason Grout
- The Jupyter Interactive Widget Ecosystem by Matt Craig
- An Introduction to Julia (Beginner Level) by Jane Herriman & Sacha Verweij
- pandas .head() to .tail() (Beginner) by Dillon Niederhut
- Anatomy of Matplotlib (Beginner Level) by Benjamin Root & Hannah Aizenman
- Intro to Numerical Computing with NumPy (Beginner) by Alex Chabot-Leclerc
- Parallelizing Scientific Python with Dask by James Crist & Martin Durant
- Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Part 1 and Part 2 by Andreas Mueller and Guillaume Lemaitre
- Image Analysis in Python with SciPy and scikit-image by Stefan van der Walt
- PyViz: Easy Visualization and Exploration for all your Data by James A. Bednar
NumFOCUS was pleased to contribute prize money for the John Hunter Excellence in Plotting Contest 2018.
The winning entry was “History of Ebola virus epidemic in West Africa 2013-2015,” by Gytis Dudas, Luiz Max Carvalho, Trevor Bedford, Andrew J Tatem, Marc A Suchard, Philippe Lemey, & Andrew Rambaut.
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